Hi all, I'w working with meshing using VisCART of ESI-Group. I have this problem: 32GB of RAM is not enough for my complex geometry. I set the file paging dimension to 80GB on the SSD drive. So now the system has almost 110GB of memory available. Anyway VisCART crashes without reaching all the available memory: I'm watching the 'Commit' tab of the Memory on the monitoring resource display of Win10, and never it reach 80GB; it crashes when it reaches about 55GB. Does it depends on VisCART? Or Windows? Anyway is it useful to do this for very complex meshes? Is it possible that a software is not able to manage all that memory?

Is there a free tool to optimize the performance of the memory utilization? Is there a method to understand the problem? For example a tool that gets all memory status when a process crashes?

Is it true that this operation is dangerous for the SSD drives? Is better to use an old hard disk?


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