In my study I want to measure Urease and phosphatase activity, I am asking about the time of the measurement for these enzymes, during growing season or after crop harvest. And which are the best methods for measurement?
Sampling time depends on the objective of your project. If you are monitoring potential plant available N and P from mineralization, then you may wish to sample in spring and later near harvest - this should give an idea of nutrient release during season. otherwise, if this is a one-time sampling, suggest either spring or fall when soil is at about average annual temperature.
The best time for measurement of urease and phosphatase activities are at critical growth stage of the plants , that is between 6 and 8 weeks of different plant growth period where you may get maximum activity of these soil enzymes.
Regarding methods we found Douglas and Bremner (1970) for Urease estimation and Tabatabai and Bremner (1969) for phosphatase estimation are reliable methods.