Hi everybody, can anybody tell the maximum size of DNA, which can be inserted in pTZ57R and pFL61? I have a 3.1 Kb fragment amplified from genomic DNA, I want to clone that..
The 3.1Kbp fragment is fine to be inserted in any of the plasmids you have mentioned. Normally such plasmids can take an insert size of upto 10Kbp. So you are well under the limits.
The uptake of insert by plasmid is not dependent on size, as far as the insert is less than 10Kbp. But what you have to remember is that while cloning make sure that you purify you product before cloning, just to make sure you are not cloning any unwanted smaller fragments from PCR, which tend to have higher efficiency that large insert.
The amplified genomic DNA fragment of 3.1kb could be cloned comfortably into both vectors. If you encounter problems during cloning, then you could check other parameters, like your vector/insert purification, vector dephosphorylation and ligation reactions, insert to vector ratio, e.t.c. In the absence of E. coli transformants, you could also try other E. coli host for transformation reactions, like TOP10, HB101. I guess these suggestions would be of assistance to you.
You can easily ligate the 3.1 kb insert in your vectors. I think there will be no problem if you make sure that all the required parameters are taken care off.
According to Fermentas, which sells this vector, the maximum size is 10 kb. They sell the InsTAclone PCR Cloning Kit (K1213 e K1214) including the vector, so I think using the kit you can clone up to 10 kb. They do not sell pFL61, but they think it is the same maximum size. Good luck for your jobs!
I couldn't get enough concentration of my insert, so couldn't manage to keep the ratio as 3:1. May be it is 1:1. Ligated at 4C overnight as fermentus recommended. Then electroporated. After 12 hrs, I can't see anything. May be have to wait for another 5-6 hrs....hope for the best.