- Research area: Fibrosis and inflammation
- Application: Masson trichrome set applied on frozen sections
- Targets: Collagen deposition area on tissues samples
- Species of sample: Animal (ApoE-knockout mice) major organ tissues which are heart, lung, liver and kidney. As referred to IMG (2974,2975, 2980), hematoxylin (purple) is too dark and there's poor/or not all distinct with cytoplasm (red/pink color). But collagen area is greatly visualized in blue. For IMG (2990,2987), it's the control samples which expected no fibrosed tissue or lesser. The biebrich scarlet (red/pink) is too dark and dominates all the area. There's no nuclei visualization (purple). What should i do, other than reduce the time of both hematoxylin and scarlet solution which are 5 minutes and 15 minutes respectively (from protocol). Greatly appreciate your help. Thank you in advance