My study is about how expertise (expert/novice), type of movie (+/-) and sub-period (1, 2, 3, 4; which is a repeated measure) impact the number of fixation by air of interest (N=5, each representing a delimited area in the space of the screen).
I have thus a lot of DV (because I have 4 different period, and each period have 2 or more sub-period that have to be compared).
So,I think to compute MANOVA mixed-design with Expertise (IV 1, between-subject), Type of movie (IV 2, between-subject) and Sub-Period (IV 3, repeated measure, with 2 or 4 level, depending of the general period analyzed).
Does anyone know if MANOVA is the better choice for this study considering that the addition of each DV give the total number of fixation? Is the linear combination of these VD useful ? Or is it better to compute many ANOVA mixed-design for each air of interest after computed ANOVA on total number of fixation?
Thank you,