The actuator-disk method does not resolve the turbine geometry directly. Instead it uses tabulated lift and drag curves to determine the blade forces based on local flow conditions. In the simulation, these forces are imposed via. sources to the momentum equations in a sub-domain representing the rotor.

Two-equation turbulence models tend to over-predict the eddy-viscosity near the rotor (a region of high strain rate) and therefore over-predict the wake recovery rate. I'm testing some modified turbulence models that mitigate this problem.

I'm mostly interested in lab studies, but may consider field data as well. A good data-set needs:

1) Good characterization of the ambient flow, with measurements of the velocity profile (wrt. height from the floor/ground), tke and decay rate (which may be assessed by looking at tke at two or more streamwise locations).

2) Measurements of the turbine rotational speed and thrust force, ideally measuring the drag on supporting structures as well. Turbine power is also desirable (i.e. measured via torque and rotational speed).

3) Measurements of the wake lateral traverses over a range of downstream positions, ideally from 2 diameters (D) to 10D or further.

If you know of any published/unpublished or ongoing data campaigns that fit this description please let me know. I'm all setup to run simulations, and I'm interested in co-authoring papers.

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