Please in the section of the input script below, would it be possible for someone to explain to me why the ylo and yhi are set to 45 and 80 respectively for the energy region?
"Appendix A
### LAMMPS code for calculating the GSF energy curve
of Cu
### file−name in.gsf-cu
units metal
boundary p s p
atom−style atomic
variable lattice equal 3.615
variable partial equal “v−lattice/sqrt(6)”
variable cna equal “v−lattice*(1+1/sqrt(2))/2”
lattice fcc ${lattice}orient x 11-2 orient y 111
orient z 1-10
region box block 0 21 0 20 0 20
create−box 1 box
create−atoms 1 box
region up1 block INF INF 62 INF INF INF
units box
group up1 region up1
region up2 block INF INF 64 INF INF INF
units box
group up2 region up2
region energy block INF INF 45 80 INF INF
units box
group energy region energy
neighbor 2.0 bin"