I am looking for a datalogger that measures and records the pH of a substrate for long periods of time (lets say 6 months) while exposed to rough natural conditions (in the canopy of a tree in a tropical forest, for example).
This company makes soil probes that allows users to easily access data on smartphones. They usually work with agricultural clients, but it may be worth looking into.
I think you have to be more specific regarding the substrate (liquid or solid), the desired sensitivity of thee sensor, the possibility of recording and reading the data, the power source. Basically you need some sensors and a separate data logger. Usually pH sensor also record temperature.
You can use the Arduino platform for it's flexibility but it is hard to find good and reliable sensor (for scientific purpose).
I would use a professional solution. Some tips:
ONSET sensors pHionics (one of the best) with data loggers (you can pair it with HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station Data Logger): http://www.onsetcomp.com/products/sensors/phionics