Hello Everyone,
I have couple questions about Kinetic analysis:
1- I performed linear fitting of non-isothermal reaction by coats-redfern and I obtained the kinetic parameters, most of the models showed a good fit, however if when I perform non-linear fitting and the minimization approach, I found most model couldn't fit the experimental results.
2- Is performing non-linear fitting by minimizing the coversion rate and the calculated rate is better for kinetic analysis or performing linear fitting such CR. If I do multiple heating rate which this give a better non-linear fitting ?
3- I know kinetic analysis based on single heating rate is not realibale, however is it possible to just perform model-free kinetics with single heating rate, and then I update kinetics once I got various heating rates.
Just to make sure if I am following the correct approach:
I want to perform non-linear fitting, so is multiple heating rate required. Also< I was wondering why linear methods fits the results while the obtained parametrs cannot fit the data non-linearly