I was wondering what algorithms can be used to find K-Minimum Cost paths across any two nodes on a directed graph with every edge given a cost (e.g. K=1 would be same as using Dijkstra).
See this link.
Good day everyone! I am a Biochemistry undergraduate in the Philippines and to be very honest, we have no background in bioinformatics since we really focused on wet lab techniques + theory. Due...
15 February 2021 3,422 4 View
While running gels for western blotting, I am currently getting, what seems to be, the blue dye from my sample buffer migrating more slowly in sample lanes leaving blue streaks. These transfer to...
08 February 2021 5,317 3 View
Dear reader, I've been having trouble with my cyclic voltammetry recently, but I then had a break through and managed to get apparently "clean" results using dry, deoxygenated THF and/or DMF,...
06 January 2021 4,312 3 View
I need to know if I can use GROMACS instead of LAMMPS for my undergraduate thesis wherein I will generate phase diagrams of copolymers using FTS. Thank you so much!
22 November 2020 3,725 3 View
I did some ribosomally depleted RNA-seq in rat brain. Does anyone have recommendations on how to quantify/compare small RNA expression between samples? I have used RNA STAR to map reads back to...
11 November 2020 5,331 1 View
I'm new to electrochem/cyclic voltammetry. I'm interested in measuring cyclic voltammograms of organic semiconductors in organic solvents, specifically, THF. I know that in principle I should be...
09 November 2020 2,298 4 View
I'm trying to find out in the development between being an embryo and an adult animal does the animal become phenomenally conscious? I'm especially looking for recommendations for articles on the...
30 August 2020 3,815 3 View
14 August 2020 1,488 8 View
Hi everyone, We are synthesizing a virucidal material that will kill SARS-CoV-2 on contact. In these preliminary stages, we want to use enveloped surrogate viruses that are the easiest to...
08 August 2020 6,731 4 View
Hi all, I want to purchase fluorescent silica nanoparticles (with and without a functional group to make it hydrophobic) in powder form. A variety of size options would be key. Preferably, if you...
04 August 2020 7,440 6 View
Results of single-case research designs (i.e., n-of-1 trials) are often evaluated by visually inspecting the time-series graph and computing quantitative indices. A question our research team is...
03 March 2021 687 1 View
I want to make a stacked bar graph with showing each data value as dots. I tried with graph pad prism, version 6, but could not succeed. Does anyone have tried before making such graphs?
01 March 2021 9,383 1 View
Its effect appears in real part of ac conductivity also. Can anyone suggest any reason behind it?
26 February 2021 3,487 3 View
I have a permission from X company to use their graph from a report, but they have a reference in the bottom left corner of the graph as follows: "Source: Database Y". Is it OK to use this graph...
24 February 2021 2,269 3 View
i am trying to download x'pert high score software, but can't download it. please do suggest software for phase analysis
24 February 2021 5,687 4 View
Hi all, I am looking for a graph or a relation that relates the degree of saturation and the shear wave velocity for the marlstone. Looking forward to your suggestions Best Regards
24 February 2021 9,690 1 View
I've got this 5 year Direct Normal Irradiance data I downloaded from https://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/. I ordered this by year and by every 24 hours because I need the DNI curve by max in summer, min...
17 February 2021 2,777 5 View
If there is a set of n points in a plan (with known x, y coordinates), can I use a numerical criterion to establish if two points are neighbours, given the definition of a neighbour for Voronoi...
17 February 2021 6,914 4 View
I've attached a recreation of this graph type that I need to make for study reports. The clients have sent them to us in the past, but I am trying to make the reporting process more streamlined,...
15 February 2021 9,795 3 View
Hi I am trying to segment a sentinel2 image. At this stage, I want to run a binary classifier that assigns each pixel to either farm or non-farm pixel. For this purpose, I have 4 10m bands...
15 February 2021 3,596 9 View