10 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Max Noormohammadpour
User space packet processing has been attracting more attention lately. Can you name some open source Software Defined NIC frameworks based on user space packet processing?
14 January 2018 7,128 2 View
OpenFlow documentation discusses the ability to enforce rate-limits at the switches. What are the limitations of such rate-limiting?
05 September 2017 1,437 3 View
Could you point me to any paper, blog, website or presentation that focuses on datacenter or inter-datacenter traffic characteristics (with flow size, duration, inter arrival distributions)? I...
03 August 2017 9,398 4 View
I was wondering if there are heuristics for finding edge-disjoint Steiner trees? Consider a scenario where a source needs to be connected to two sets of receivers independently over some directed...
23 July 2017 7,191 0 View
I am looking for solvers for mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLP). Are there solvers that instead of exact solutions, provide faster but approximate solutions with some error bound?
08 June 2017 7,493 12 View
What techniques can be used to speed up reliable multicasting? For example, say a sender is delivering an object reliably to 10 known and fixed receivers over WAN. What can be done to decrease...
01 January 1970 6,295 3 View
When a new flow arrives at the edge of a WAN, what cost metrics have been proposed for selection of a path? Please assume single path routing. Also, given different scheduling policies (e.g. Fair...
01 January 1970 3,944 4 View
Besides using Group Tables, what approaches can be used to program forwarding trees into network switches? Assume a scenario similar to SDN where a controller installs forwarding rules on switches.
01 January 1970 1,413 3 View
Could you point me to a few research papers that use SDN Group Tables as forwarding means for multicasting?
01 January 1970 9,728 1 View
I was wondering what algorithms can be used to find K-Minimum Cost paths across any two nodes on a directed graph with every edge given a cost (e.g. K=1 would be same as using Dijkstra).
01 January 1970 1,139 1 View