I'm looking for an extremely sensitive method for detection/quantification of viruses. More sensitive than the traditional qPCR. Probably down to detection of 1 - 100 viral particles. Any thoughts welcome!
Dear Erik - for the qantitive bit - I believe that the Malvern NanoSight system can do this - it was developed in Porton Down for virus particle detection. I admit to not being sure of the limit of resolution, and, in so far as I know there is no technology in there to tell you whether you are looking at (very fine) dust or a virus. Best. Rob
Hope you are well. For the HIV-1 diagnostics we use the COBAS detection system. It is a molecular based test system from Roche. It is a TaqMan technique. Sample extraction and dilution, PCR and detection are automated. The sensitivity is very good: 20 copies per mL. This Roche technique is described on their home page (as pdf file).
To be more general, I do think that the real time PCR technique should allow a flexible technique for a large variety of viruses. It should be also quite sensitive.