Hello everybody, 

I am doing one residual  stress simulation. I have two part instances which come in contact and one of them has non-uniform residual stresses from the beginning. I have written *SIGINI subroutine to apply non-uniform initial stress. I tried to apply this stress using python script whose Macro is as follows:

def Macro2():

import section

import regionToolset

import displayGroupMdbToolset as dgm

import part

import material

import assembly

import optimization

import step

import interaction

import load

import mesh

import job

import sketch

import visualization

import xyPlot

import displayGroupOdbToolset as dgo

import connectorBehavior

del mdb.models['208_Bearing_Residual_Run_2'].predefinedFields['Predefined Field-1']


cliCommand("""e1=a1.instances['Inner Raceway-1'].elements""")


"""elements1 = e1.getSequenceFromMask(mask=('[#ffffffff:3972 #1 ]', ), )""")



"""mdb.models['208_Bearing_Residual_Run_2'].Stress(name='Predefined Field-1',region=region, distributionType=USER_DEFINED)""")

After running this script, Abaqus does create predefined field. But it doesn't recognize that distribution type is non-uniform and needs to taken from user defined subroutine *SIGINI. 

Is there anything wrong with the Python script?

Any input is appreciated, 

Thank you in advance, 



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