I am trying to extract RNA from preserved samples of Serratia marcescens. The cells are preserved in low concentrations, and cannot be cultured due to experimental constraints, therefore I am trying to optimize an extraction protocol for low concentrations.

I have tried using the Qiagen RNeasy Micro Kit, but cannot get the cells to pellet by centrifugation, therefore the RNA yield is very low (>1ng). Because I cannot get an initial pellet, I opted to use the fluid sample protocol in the MasterPure complete kit from Illumina, and get a higher yield of RNA (20-30ng/microliter), but am still having issues with low 260/280 values. Adjusting the DNase digest has helped to increase the 260/280, but it's still quite low around 1.65. 

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to extract RNA from this small sample? Or suggestions on how to get a cell pellet from these cells?

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