Educational systems vary according to the countries in which they are located
We must determine the success factors of each system and then determine the level of life cycle of each system and the extent of the fluctuation experienced by it
The more the educational system is independent of the political situation of the state, the stronger and more rational it is
In my opinion, education was many times better in the past than now. Yes, now we live in the era of the Internet and Mobile phones and it's very cool than then in those days in the past. But do not forget one thing: the Internet and Mobile phones provide only information, but the correct understanding and interpretation of this information is carried out only by the human brain. If people stop reading books and solve problems, it means that they stop thinking and soon cease to think at all. Now it is rare to find a store where sellers can add two two-digit numbers without a calculator, that is, they are not able to count in the mind. And this will be a catastrophe for the world. We will get a consumer society where there will be no creators left. Now every year the number of born children with mental disabilities is increasing sharply all over the world. Soon there will simply not be people who would be able to create anything. And this inevitably can happen.
Blase, in 1982, examined aspects of the emotional health of the teacher, his relationship with the working environment such and Social; in this sense, his analyzes are based on the evidence of atypical behavioral charts in which are described elements such as: the teacher's effort and competence are insufficient to achieve the goals of his educational activity; These efforts are reduced to "stress", negative feelings of dissatisfaction and decreased motivation to work appear. All this picture increases the possibility of an ineffective work, accompanied by a sense of uselessness, in this way, the emotional course is generalized with the term burnout, Nickerson, R (1987):
From that time to this part it is certain that the educational panorama has been greatly complicated. While there are increasing technological facilities for education at least potentially, the same can not be said of other accompanying factors.
The subject is complicated and some analyzes appear in:Chapter FUNDAMENTALS OF THE PREPARATION FOR THE SELF-CARE OF TEACHERS 'HEALTH