
I need to impregnate the pores of a MOF with cu(acac)2, which I will then reduce under vacuum to copper nanoparticles. I plan on using the incipient wetness approach to do so. However, my MOF will not be in a powder form, but rather a self supported, fibrous mat form (Article Flexible Self-Supported Metal-Organic Frameworks Membranes w...

). According to my current research, the solid support catalyst (MOF) is typically stirred as the metal precursor solution in chloroform (or other solvent) is added to it, yielding a paste. However, I cannot stir my fibrous mat. Will simple immersion of my mat in the metal precursor solution be sufficient to impregnate the pores of the MOF with the precursor? Or would a drop-wise method of adding my solution work without stirring the MOF? Is there another way around this issue?

Thank you for any answers!

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