I had submitted a paper in one of the reputed international journals. After initial checks, the editor of the journal sends my paper for review. I got the major comments (more than 20) from two reviewers suggested by the editor after two months. I had submitted the revised version of the manuscript after incorporating all the issues raised by the reviewers. Finally, the paper was accepted by two reviewers. This whole process took more than one year.

The editor of the journal gave me conditional acceptance and told me to reduce the number of words from the manuscript. According to the guidelines of the same journal, there is no limitation of words in the manuscript; however, my paper has less than 7500 words. I told the editor that now it is not possible to reduce the number of words in the manuscript, but the editor forced me again and again to reduce the number of words; therefore, I transferred many things from the original article to the supplementary material.

My manuscript has less than 6000 words after moving many essential things to the supplementary material, but the editor did not give acceptance and finally rejected my paper.

My concerns are:

1. If the editor wanted to reduce the number of words in the manuscript then why didn't he told me at the time of initial submission.

2. These two reviewers who accepted my manuscript was suggested by the editor, not by me.

3.Why the editor of the journal does not change the author guidelines where it is written that there is no limit of words.

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