Am I right in thinking that the grey feature labelled 5 in the attached image of Tonicella rubra is probably a pallial afferent blood vessel/ sinus/ vein taking blood to the ctenidia? If so, which terms would you use to describe it?
I have been unable to find a labelled diagram of the feature in Jones & Baxter’s Linnean Synopsis, or Jardim & Simone or in Schwabe . Can anyone direct me to a free on-line source that has one?
Other numbered features I think are:
1: hypnotum spread wide to grip substrate; coated with colourless granules, some stained by detritus.
2: mantle lappet (posterior expansion of mantle fold) partly concealing ctenidia.
3: hypnotum moved far out to form channel at posterior for release of faecal pellets from adjacent anus, as well as exhalent water and sperm or ova.
4: foot spread widely to grip substrate; partly concealing pallial groove.