
I am struggling understand a mechanism, part of the amadori product rearrangement just after a Schiff base. As can be seen in the attachment, using DFT I'm trying to optimise both reactants and products, and thus no good chance of running QST3 without either. The circled H transfers to a neighbouring water, which transfers a proton to the neighbouring water, which in turn finally protonates the nitrogen. This results in the switch in double bond between N-C to C-C down the backbone. 

However, when I try and optimise the reactants using wb97xd/6-31+g* in Gaussian (vacuum, no implicit water), I can't get the oxygen on the water to 'associate' with the hydrogen of the carbon, ready for the proton transfer. But given that water is polar, and C-H probably doesn't have much of a dipole, the system eventually convergences to a minimum without this important association. 

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks. 

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