My study is about the behaviour of reinforced masonry walls under horizontal loading. ı need to learn modeling of masonry walls and ı don't know where to start... ı need someone to show the way...
I have attached my paper for your consideration. It's talking about simplified micro model of masonry structures. It's really detailed and if you follow you may be able to redo what I have done for masonry assemblages. You can implement the model to build your wall.
Hi. I propose that you model the masonry as solids and the reinforcements as 1D elements. Then you embed the 1D elements with the solid elements and voila.
You should first answer the question about the scale of your model. If there is need to model whole structure the only choice is a macro formulation, for example in a frame of orthotropic elasto-plasticity. Of the scale is smaller than you can think about modelling of the wall components like bricks, joints (mortar) and reinforcement. Depending on the answer you are choosing rather different road.
You can check the phd thesis of Tammam Bakeer that presents a study about historical masonry structures and consider the modeling of reinforcement as improvement of the seismic behavior. The study uses LS-dyna and abaqus.
thanks for your answers. ı am planning to use simplified micro modelling method because my model is a full scaled brick wall and ı want to see detailed results about the location of cracks and interactions between brick, interface and reinforcement.
now ı am studying the publications that you suggested and ı found before. maybe ı will need your help again on the process of my study.
I have attached my paper for your consideration. It's talking about simplified micro model of masonry structures. It's really detailed and if you follow you may be able to redo what I have done for masonry assemblages. You can implement the model to build your wall.