It is well know theory that our memory part in our brain has capabilities to store and release any information through receivers [ eyes , ears] and transmitters [ vocal , physical action]. Education system [ past and present ] has set of methods to input any information to human brain in the form of language. In very old decades, people used to send and receive information only by actions   followed by codes [ images , diagrams ] and further improvised communication with letters and words [ language] .

In such case , how this evolution functioned with gradual improvement in communications from action to languages. How does the brain knows that this letter should be in this structure like English alphabets or letters in any language. let it be a Proto-Sinaitic script or Greek alphabets or japanese alphabets. How does the structure of letter is developed , how brain has ability to develop a structure something like "A" , "α" , "あ" ; even-though we claim that these structures came from long duration practices for many centuries. Why can we use something like "み " as "A" and "π" as "2" , who structure these so called letters and codes for communication and how does our brain knows or compromises that this pattern should be made for these systems    

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