As you know we have CANTAB for assessing executive function. And it stabilized, this test assesses the function of the prefrontal cortex . Does anyone know if there is a task to estimate social cognition that shows the role of subcortical regions?
Executive function depend on the task, you know. And there is not any tasks especially for estimating the work of subcortical region. So you may select some task and imaging method.
There's the Reading the Mind in the Eyes task by Simon Baron-Cohen, or I'm sure there's an online version of the Sally-Anne task. It really depends on what you want to do.
There is a german tool called Movie for the Assessment of social cognition. There is also a program called Mindreading devised for rehabilitation in autism that could be useful. However, the standard could be the Mayer- Salovey- Caruso MSCEIT. The hinting task, Strange stories and other more classical tasks in my knowledge have only paper an pencil versions.
We are currently working on an online tool for rehabilitation of social cognition that would be used as a test.