I am interested to know the Corona-virus (COVID-19) spread pattern among different region over the world. Is there any evidence that temperature influence the spread pattern of COVID-19?
There are too many confounding factors to determining whether temperature is an important factor in the spread of the virus.
Physical (or 'social') distancing is appropriately preventing clear epidemiological study of the behaviour of this virus.
However most viral illnesses do show some seasonal variability with dips in summer. This is certainly the case with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (another coronaviral illness similar to Covid-19) which has troubled Saudi Arabia since 2012.
Temperature surely had an impact of spreading of corona virus. The climatic condition of the most affected and spreading nations for ex: spain, italy, USA clearly showed the impact of temperature.
The optimum temperature for the corona virus is obviously 37 to 40 degrees Celcius. I think that the geographical spread of the virus is far better explained by travelling patterns.
The COVID-19 has been infecting people all over the world from cold to hot and humid weather condition. There is evidence that COVID 19 which is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is closely related to SARS-CoV that has caused SARS outbreak in 2003, showed signs to survive or infect at higher temperature. As temperature has not able to manage the spread of COVID-19, hence transmission and spread of the virus do not depend on temperature and also there is no evidence that heat and humidity slow down the activity of the virus.
There is no study till now claiming the effect of Temperature . But a recent interesting blog indicates that COVID-19 cases may vanish without need of vaccines or drugs.. https://milindwatve.home.blog/2020/05/27/covid-19-we-need-neither-vaccine-nor-herd-immunity/amp/#click=https://t.co/E5FCWrs9eN
The results of the study below could indirectly indicate why in sunny areas of the world, COVID-19 transmission and mortality is lower than in countries with less sunlight.
Article The Influence of Simulated Sunlight on the Inactivation of I...
There are numbers of published works which had established relationship between temperature and infectivity or survival of Covid-19. Although the definite pattern is yet to be established as research is still on going. I am currently working on this areas as well, however you can surf online by typing Covid--19 and temperatures to read couples of published works.
At first it was thought to be a relationship in between Covid-19 spread and Temperature. Later on, some evidences also have shown a little relationship in between Covid-19 and Temperature. Upn believing it many countries are now preparing to protect it in winter as its second wave.