1. Between SrTiO3 and TiO2 is there any specific reason that i should choose SrTiO3 over TiO2 since i have seen so many researches about doping TiO2 to narrow the bandgap in order to fully utilize visible light. Does the pervoskite structure of SrTiO3 offer any advantages in non-metal doping over TiO2?
2. I'm still very confused about the doping impact on the recombination process. Some papers i've found said that doping would result in the defects which act as recombination site and thus lower the photocatalytic efficiency, other said that "with addition of defects to the structure localized molecular orbitals are introduced either just above the valance band (hole trap) or just below the conduction band (electron trap). These orbitals trap one of the charge carriers seperating it from the other and thus decreasing the likelihood of recombination". I am very new to this field. So if either one of the theory is true i'd love to learn a thorough lession. Thank you in advance.