I want to make geographic transformation of WRF-ARW results to lat-lon projection like with UPP tool of WRF-NMM. I search for linux scripts or tools similar to UPP.
Arcmap is the best way to transform your projection. After project raster you can export the projected file with required projection through export option as shape file format.
I agree, ArcMap is the best way, but are there Linux tools for automatic transformation? I run atmospheric models and a quick and accurate transformation from Lambert Conformal to Lat-Lon is useful.
Hi George, Can you give me details regarding UPP installation for WRF-NMM and how to plot the parameters using upp with some document. I tried with wrf-nmm document but i don't know how to use those scripts to plot our required variable.
I suggest you use the CDO (Climate Data Operators). It's a really powerful set of tools! It works with either netcdf or grib files. Personally, I use them to reproject LCC grids (in grib format, the netcdf wrfout files after being processed by the UPP) onto lat-lon grids, using the operator "remapbil". Before doing so, you need to know the features of the input grid (using the "griddes" operator) and define the new one (you can use the previous output as a template). Good luck!
Hi Malleswararao. The documentation for UPP is here: http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/overview/upp_overview.php
As said in this website, you can use GrADS to visualise the grib files generated. Before so, you should use the grib2ctl.pl script and the gribmap utilities.
I'm sorry I didn't answer your question earlier... It seems like you didn't have the netCDF libraries installed, or if they are in your computer, the CDO can't find them, since you're trying to work with a .nc file (the extension for netcdf files).
You can find the netcdf package here: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
Perhaps, you will need to recompile the CDO with netcdf support enabled.