16 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Malleswararao Maguluri
Hello, Kindly suggest me regarding the following: Can we install and run WRF using virtual cpu's with the help of intel compilers. If yes, what is the minimum number of virtual cpu's are required...
15 April 2019 9,202 2 View
Hi, Can anyone please specify the HPC or server configuration details (including price, area and other factors into account) to run WRF-ARW over India (50 E to 110E and 10S to 45N) at least at 9...
23 January 2019 7,069 1 View
Hi, I need ftp real time link to download cloud amount and Aerosol optical depth from MODIS. can anyone provide me this?. Instead of ordering data and analyzing data manually is not...
05 December 2016 2,741 4 View
Hi, I need column integrated total aerosol optical depth at a specific location. For this, I used WRF-ARW model and added AODTOT in iofields_filename as a text file. I extracted the variable...
29 November 2016 3,687 4 View
Hi, I want to use GEOS5-AOD data (aerosol data as input to WRF in addition to GFS). Can any one help me where can I download GEOS5-AOD for India or Global data? Thanks &...
26 October 2016 2,558 2 View
Dear All, Can anybody hep me how to improve the model output by using observations (mast data). I have done like this. 1) I have done wrf calculations and have mast data for the same...
19 February 2015 7,631 3 View
Dear Sir, My doubt is like this, the WRF model is downscaling wind at 10m with respect to time. Now GFS data providing data at 10m, 80m, 100m etc. I need an explanation on how the model is...
28 November 2014 8,294 3 View
Hi, Previously I posted the same question on researchgate. Now I am giving in detail information. I Installed WRF-NMM V3.6 in my system with 4 processors, intel i7 processor, 8 gb ram with...
26 November 2014 9,168 1 View
Hi, I downloaded grib2 data for Temp at 2m, U at 10m, v at 10m for the same period. Now how can I convert these three files as a single grib2 file?. Thanks & Regards, Malleswararao
26 September 2014 6,651 8 View
Dear Sir, I am rarely facing this type of problems in one of my systems. The problem is, the performance of wrf.exe (mpirun -np 4 ./wrf.exe) is working very slowly when comparednormal (almost 6...
08 August 2014 2,369 4 View
I am working on solar data retrieval for Indian region using WRF-NMM model. I have done sensitivity tests by changing ra_lw_physics and ra_sw_physics. I finalized with one of the best set of it....
24 July 2014 2,245 2 View
Hi, I run the WRF-NMM model for 2 years from 01/01/2012 to 01/01/2014. But while I look at number of time steps (hourly data output), it's showing the number as 10,000 instead of 17,500...
15 July 2014 4,352 3 View
Is it applicable for both WRF-ARW and WRF-NMM? Thanks & Regards, Malleswarararo M
02 July 2014 340 9 View
I would now like to extract wind speeds at particular vertical heights (50m,80m and 100m etc) which correspond to exact station altitudes (used for a comparative analysis). Is there a way how to...
26 June 2014 5,628 20 View
If anyone else has done integration Merra data as input for WRF-NMM, please can you share your experience? Thank you.
22 May 2014 4,184 0 View
Hi, Can anyone shared your valuable suggestions regarding dam inflow forecasting over India?. Where we will get the observations to validate the model dam inflow forecast? Thanks &...
01 January 1970 8,447 5 View