In literature, I have studied about the strategies of sun and shade plants differing in their above-ground and below-ground resource allocational patterns (Poorter 1999; Functional Ecology). The shade plants allocated more of their resources to the above ground biomass in the form of increased Specific Stem Length (stem length per unit stem dry mass), whereas, the sun plants allocated resources more towards the root development in compensating for the losses through transpiration (Poorter 1999; Funcitonal Ecology). For understanding above-ground biomass allocation strategy, we have traits like Stem Height Growth Rate or simply Height Growth Rate (Falster et al. 2005; Oikos) and Relative Growth Rate (Zou et al. 2007; Functional Ecology). However, I was inquisitive to know if there is any existing physiological parameter or trait that defines the rate at which the roots grow (in terms of their Specific Root Length or may be Specific Root Area) over the time.