i need some help regarding biochar effects on soil peroperties(bulk density, total nitrogen, ph , phosphorus, E.c, pottasium) the soil is alkaline calcarious. and the duration is just 3 and half months.
Very relevant question . I doubt , in such a short time , unless biochar composted with some manures, could evoke some response on chemical properties, more than physical properties..?
When working with soil I like to start with a complete soil analysis.
Many times this will pinpoint deficiencies and toxicities. In this regard the pH can be critical.
In the case of many biochars particularly those produced at high pyrolysis temperatures the char will be alkaline.
This is great if the soil is acid for it will help bring it to optimum neutrality. But be careful if you have an alkaline char and an alkaline soil. This would likely contribute to micronutrient deficiencies.
Bottomline first know your soil then also know your input.
As Anoop has said Biochar and other inputs are also many times increased in their utility as part of compost and farming systems.
In many areas Carbon is limited in the soil and the best way to remedy is to build soil organic matter in which the use of stabilized compost including manure and mineral nutirent can be optimal.
There is a rich literature on the ability of soil organic matter and compost to give positive changes to the physical chemical and biological properties of soil within a farming systems that improves the level of critical soil organic matter.
Biochar would be part of farming system approach but should not be envisioned as a single solution to your issues.
Start with soil and then work to develop a farming system to address the soil constraints. If you can provide some soil data I would gladly give some ideas on the constraints and how to overcome them in a farming systems approach.
1. In my opinion, biochar could have a stimulatory effect on soil physical and chemical properties over a short period however biochar performance is best measured over a long period of time (e.g: two year).
2. Your soil is alkaline, do you really think application of biochar is necessary as a soil conditioner? considering the biochar pH characteristics... as it is best applied on an acidic soil.
3. What was the pyrolysis condition and what type of biochar source are you using [Plant-source biochar or Animal source-biochar]...
Biochar has zero effect on chemical properties of soil during short period, although having minute effect on soil physical properties like water holding capacity, bulk density, particle density, total pore space etc Because biochar decomposition need long time. and it also depend upon source and pyrolysis producer, temperature, size of biochar particles etc........
Well said Aminul and Ikram , i agree with your remarks. Infact , this is the major issue with effectiveness of biochar to be so ineffective in short term , unless , biochar is mixed with some compost or any other fresh feedstock .
Some very novel thoughts are attached by Paul , worth considering them ..
I still remember , while having discussion with Dr Getachew on thsi issue , our ground level strategies are distinctively missing , how to domesticate the usage of biochar at farm level , popularise its wide scale use in shorter terms...
I see the period is so short and the biochar effect on the chemical properties more than a physical properties of the soil because it hold more negitive chargs increas the ability of the soil the adsorption of plant nutrients, and effect on the value of Gibbs free energy between the soil particles and nutrients at the same time effect on pH of the soil solution and indirectly effect on plant nutrient availability.
Ejaz and friends , biochars have certain nutrient and amendment value in terms of Ca, Mg , K , with certain particle specific area , you mix biochars with soil , and immediately analyse the total Ca, Mg, K , bulk density , you will surely find some increase in values of these properties , unless duly ratified through a crop response . How to separate such variation , whether or not , they are the accepted as a part of the growing medium , unless plant function declares the same ..?
But , this is the only possibility to compost biochar with some bulky manures in order to get back some crop response, in addition to desirable changes in soil properties.
The issue about biochar has been discussed a lot in Researchgate, and it still under discussion. If you visit that you may get you may find valuable information.
The effect of biochar on soil depends on the soil type and its fertility status, the source of the feedstock for the production of biochar, the pyrolysis temperature, the size of the biochar and its application. In fact, research shows that the effect of biochar is more significant through time. For instance, the study of Major (2010) indicates that the effect of biochar three years after its application was more significant than in the first and second year.
Application of biochar to soil has emerged as a strategy for sequestering carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving soil quality. Research shows that t biochar can play a significant role in improving SOC, water holding capacity, soil aeration, increased soil base saturation, nutrient retention and availability, decreasing fertilizer needs and nutrient leaching, stimulation of soil microbes, increased microbial biomass and activity, enhancing plant growth and yield, reducing greenhouse gas fluxes and increasing carbon sequestration.
The effects of biochar on soil and crop performance mainly depend on the inherent fertility of a soil and its management practices. Its effect either on soil or crop yields is not short-term. For instance, some studies indicate that yield increments due to biochar addition were, significant, little or negligible in the first year, but very significant increments were reported since the second year of biochar application. In terms of soil properties, soils which are low in soil organic matter, low pH and deficient in nutrients are more responsive to biochar addition than soils of good quality. So, before application of biochar to a particular soil, the soil should be characterized. The soil parameters required to be improved should be identified. Based on, the biophysical and chemical properties of the soil, the type of biochar used to amend the soil parameters identified should be selected. For instance, biochars used to amend soil pH need to be relatively higher in their pH.