We can enlarge the powerful idea of the “ideal” op-amp ammeter already discussed in the question below by replacing the movement with other current-driven loads (2-terminal elements like LEDs, solenoids, motors, rechargeable batteries, etc.)


Regardless of the device, the op-amp will always do the same – it will make its output voltage equal to the voltage drop across the corresponding device. As a result, the device “disappears” and the input current source “sees” just a “piece of wire”. We can think of this “wire” as of a kind of artificial “active superconductor” with zero resistance. We can also look at this phenomenon (aka “virtual ground”) from another perspective - shorting the input imperfect current source, we actually have provided it with ideal working conditions and it has began behaving as a perfect current source... and this is one of the possible ways of making perfect current sources


But all these op-circuits have no (electrical) output; their outputs are light (LED), displacement (solenoids, motors...) or none (rechargeable batteries). More frequently, we need circuits (converters) with electrical inputs and outputs; maybe the transimpedance amplifier is the most typical representative of this class of op-amp circuits. So, the question is, “Where do we take an electrical output from?”

Let’s solve this problem by building the ubiquitous transimpedance amplifier. Although we can do it by adding only one additional step to the 4-step ammeter building scenario, let’s for completeness do it from the very beginning.

1. NO PROBLEM. Imagine a current I = V/R flows in the simple Ohm's circuit... and it really is I = V/R... but we want to see if this is true. There is only one way to do it - by measuring the current.

2. THE PROBLEM. Contemporary instruments measure voltages; so, if we want to measure a current, we have to convert it into a voltage. For this purpose, we break the loop, connect a resistor and measure the voltage drop across it... but a problem appears. The voltage drop is desired for us and we want to be as much as possible higher to obtain a maximum "gain" (a minimum discrete error of the next ADC); so we need a maximum resistance. But, at the same time, this voltage drop disturbs the input (imperfect) current source; so to obtain a minimum error, we have to keep minimum resistance. If we measured the current of a perfect current source, there was no problem since the source would compensate the "undesired" voltage drop by increasing its own internal voltage... but in our case the source is imperfect. What do we do then?

3. THE REMEDY. We already know the remedy (from the question about the ammeter) - we can remove the resistance by an equal “anti-resistance”... or, in other words, the voltage drop by an equal (electromotive) "anti-voltage"... So, we add a humble variable voltage source in series with the resistor and adjust its voltage equal to the adverse voltage drop. As a result, the voltage drop and respectively the resistance as though disappear... and the whole circuit looks as a “piece of wire” to the input source. The additional compensation source actually "helps" the input excitation voltage source, which creates the input current (note that the two voltage sources are connected in series, in one and the same direction "- +, - +" so that their voltages are added).

4. THE OUTPUT. But where do we take the output from? Actually, the voltage drop across the resistor exists but it is not a good idea to use it as a circuit output (first, it is “floating”; second, the next stage may disturb it). Then? The clever idea is to use the compensating (op-amp) voltage as a "mirror" output (just like in life when we estimate indirectly some positive quantity by an equivalent negative "antiquantity"). All the circuits with parallel negative feedback (i.e., all the inverting op-amp circuits) exploit this idea. The advantages: first, the load is grounded; second, it consumes energy from the compensating voltage source instead from the input source (so, the load can be low-resistive enough). A disadvantage may be the inverted output...

5. THE IMPLEMENTATION. Finally, we have just to replace the manual "op-amp" by a real one and will obtain the so desired “ideal” current-to-voltage converter (transimpedance amplifier) well known from the classic electronics books.

This story about the transimpedance amplifier was the continuation of the previous story about the simpler op-amp ammeter. What do you think about it? Have you ever seen such an explanation before? Is it reliable? Is it useful for understanding compared with the conventional virtual ground explanation? If you like it, visit the links below and enjoy.


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254864969_How_I_Revealed_the_Secret_of_Parallel_Negative_Feedback_Circuits_(a_circuit_story)? (a fancy version of this story)







And yet, is there any connection between the humble resistor and the transimpedance amplifier? What does the op-amp really do in this electronic circuit? Can we say the op-amp is a "negative resistor" and the transimpedance amplifier is a "zero resistor"? Or, even more figuratively, the transimpedance amplifier is a "neutralized positive resistor" (R - R = 0)? If so, it would be a good prelude to the subject of negative resistor... and we can continue this story...

Data How I Revealed the Secret of Parallel Negative Feedback Circ...

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