Although the route of transmission for the virus has not been determined, women positive for both breast and cervical cancers were found to be infected with the same HPV type in both tumours
Viruses including Human papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes Simples (HSV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), and Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections are believed to be associated with many cancers. It is well established that infection by high-risk HPVs (HR-HPVs) is considered as a major cause of several human carcinomas including cervical carcinoma, head and neck, colorectal and breast cancers. HSV, EBV, and CMV were also reported to have some role in the pathogenesis of human cancers. The association between these viruses and human malignancies would necessitate the introduction of vaccines which may reduce the burden of viral associated cancers.By influencing theregulation of various cellular processes including the cell cycle, apoptosis and migration as well as tumour
invasiveness and angiogenesis, HCMV may participate
RNA-seq analysis of 4433 tumours from 19 cancer types found no evidence of known or novel viruses infecting human breast cancers (reference Tang KW, Alaei-Mahabadi B, Samuelsson T, Lindh M, Larsson E. The landscape of viral expression 145 and host gene fusion and adaptation in human cancer. Nat Commun 4, 2513 (2013)). Message me here if you want a copy of this: Article Human cancers and mammalian retroviruses: should we worry ab...