The disadvantage is that a part of OA journals may be low appreciated by academia authorities in particular countries. Additional disadvantage is the lack of quality control in such journals.
Okay, here is my experience. I always hear rsearchers talk about the fast peer review and high citations of open access journals. But i never touched that. Take the most recognized open access journals like PLOS One and BMC. Have you ever tried publishing with them? Their review times are the worst in timing, somtimes reaching a year or beyond.
Low publication costs? May be for new journals. But established open access journals require at least 1200 USD: a high price especially for those in developing countries or if your university does not cover publication charges.
Higher citations? Also, this one i am not sure of: i have published papers of similar impact in open access and subscription journals and both received similar citation count. See this article published in BMJ saying in its conclusion: No evidence was found of a citation advantage for open access articles in the first year after publication. The citation advantage from open access reported widely in the literature may be an artefact of other causes.
That being said, i do not think open access is a bad choice. If you can affod it, please go there to help other researchers reach your work. I just think it is over-rated in terms of many aspects and should be viewed with a more realistic perspective.
Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils is an open access specialized in its topic. it is an open access platform free of charge awaiting high quality research...
Open access journals have many advantages over print journals. They enable free access to research papers, lower the costs for research in both public funded institutions and private concerns, and improve access to information for the public. A major attraction is higher citation rates, which will be reflected in both journal and author impact factors. Quality of articles and who bear the cost and how are some debatable issues related to open access publishing.
Publishing in open access journal can increase the accessibility by other researchers and your article will be cited more.All the best for your article writing!.
It is easier to publish a scientific work and it is a wider access to it. However, I have doubts about the scientific value of some of these works. Regards,
Ideally money should not be a deciding factor for publication of scientific research. Authours and reviewers both work for free. Why a few for publication ?