01 February 2019 5 9K Report

Here is a question for everyone that I am currently stumped on:

Is there some standardized metrics or quality targets for in-hospital cardiac arrests rates?

Its related to the work I am doing to implement CCOT at SPH. The CCOT literature uses a variety of measures and it gets a little confusing:

· Code blue (all types) per 1000 admissions or per 1000 discharges

· Cardiac Arrest (only code blue with CPR) per 1000 admissions or per 1000 discharges

· Code blue or Cardiac arrest excluding critical care areas (i.e., ED, ICU, CCU, CSICU, OR/PACU) per 1000 admissions or discharges

I looked through CIHI and it does not look like they have any stats on in-hospital cardiac arrest rates that I could find. We keep track of code blue data, but I don’t think it is reported to any external organizations. The UK and Australia have done rapid response systems for far longer, but I haven’t come across any official standardized metrics or definitions of what is considered good, bad or ugly in the way of targets.


Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.


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