13 August 2015 7 5K Report

Hello Fellow Researchers!!!

Please help. I am a statistics neophyte. I need to figure out a sample size for a grant proposal. 

I am thinking logistic regression.

Research question. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is used to bring down fever, because it is known to be safe, hemodynamically inert and an effective antipyretic. This may not be true in the critically ill population because they are so metabolically challenged and hemodynamically vulnerable. We have witnessed some febrile ICU patients become hypotensive post acetaminophen. In the most dramatic cases, the patient flushes red and sweats buckets and becomes dramatically hypotensive, requiring a liter or 2 of fluid, and sometimes even norepinephrine infusions. We are currently running a small pilot trial to work out its incidence in the febrile non-brain injured population.

I would like to follow up this with a larger trial in which we try to examine what other variables influence acetaminophen associated hypotension. 

So here are the variables.

outcome (dependent variable): clinically relevant hypotension (i.e. hypotension severe enough to require either increase in norepinephrine by 5mcg/min or more (or equivalant) or fluid bolus of greater than or equal to 500cc crystaloid (or equivalant colloid) or BOTH fluid & drugs.

Potential independent variables:

fever burden (in degree-hours)




SOFA score or some other way to do illness severity...(not entirely sold on this variable, but this data is already collected in the ICU database)

So how to I figure out the sample size??? One statistician said a rough calculation is to add 10 patients for every independent variable, but I am not sure about this. Any suggestions on where to go for info on power calculations for logistic regression?

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