I am interested in prime numbers and as we know that prime numbers are odd numbers (except for number 2) ... so finding a formula to generate (all composite odd numbers) is an important problem.
Peter Breuer - " I know that there are many formulas for prime numbers" and that formulas can be used to find odd composite numbers --- but searching for a new formula for odd composite numbers leads to obtaining a new method for finding all prime numbers ... it might be better than the known methods.
( The claim is that every composite odd number is one less than a square of an even number? Astonishing! ) !!
Yes it is trivial that
8m+8n+8mn+4m²+4n²+3 = (2n+2m+1)(2n+2m+3)
I raised an important question on how to find a similar form that runs over all composite odd primes. Of course, it is not the above form. And I mentioned that it is very difficult to construct such an expression.
I am interested in researching on primes and odd composite numbers. I have a number of researches documented since 2013 one them is an easy formula to generate all odd composite numbers.
I would like to direct your attention to the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and the number-theoretic functions such as the functions Ω(n), w(n) that count the number of prime divisors of n. ( With or without multiplicity)
Dear Issam Kaddoura, Thank you very much for that info. I wasn't aware of such functions.
Please see this pattern hidden within numbers of different dimensions but same rank (index) utilizing Fermat's Prime (p = 4n+1 = a^2 + b^2) as well as a new formula if 0 is considered a natural number [Ali's Composite (c = 4n+1 = a^2 - b^2)
Dear Adiya K. Hussein Marouane Rhafli Peter Breuer Muhammad Ali
For anyone who needs to generate composite numbers with unique/duplicate/any N prime factors, you can use http://heliwave.com/Numbers.zip and http://heliwave.com/PrimeCalculator.zip
I am the developer of a free software called QuranCode downloadable from http://qurancode.com
At one point I had over 920,000 letter-value systems but there should be only 7 correct ones.
The Jewish system Abjad_Gematria was revealed first at the time of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him).
My Primalogy System was revealed in 2008, thank to God forever ....
Most of my research centers around finding out "Why each chapter (surah) in the Quran has the number of verses (ayas) it has?" See http://heliwave.com/Symmetry.xls
The latest findings of our group research is always updated at
Thank you very much Mrs Adiya K. Hussein for your appreciation.
I wish our religious scholars appreciate it as much. They think I am playing with the Quran (God forbid). Yet, I claim to understand the Quran deeper than their traditional teaching due to my physics and electrical engineering background, al-hamdu liAllah.
Please see http://heliwave.com/Soul.and.Spirit.pdf.
Here is a summary in Arabic: http://heliwave.com/Quran.txt
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد كلام والشكر فعل. الله يرزقنا ليختبرنا أنشكر أم نكفر ويوعدنا لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم. فإشكر الله بمساعدة الـءاخرين. الإنسان بشر ناسىي لعهده مع الله في عالم الذر. الإنسان مذموم في القرءان (جهولا عجولا ظلوما كفورا) وأما البشر الغير ناسي لعهده فلم يهبط الى مستوى إنسان وهو غير مذموم في القرءان. أولوا العزم وأهل البيت ع هم بشر غير ناسين لعهدهم ويوم الحساب يقفون على الأعراف ويعرفون الناس المجمعون ليوم لا ريب فيه كل إنسان بسيماه. النفس هي الأنا وهي التي تُجزى بما كسبت يوم الحساب. الروح محوّل طاقة الى قوة بإذن الله (الذي لا حول ولا قوة إلا به). الروح تحذر النفس عن عواقب ما تنوي من عمل قبل تحويل طاقة الأكل الى طاقة حركية ومد الجسم بها لتنفيذ رغبات النفس. النفس تحيا حينما تنفخ فيها الروح وتموت حينما تسحب منها الروح. الوفاة رجوع تام للنفس الى الله عند الموت أو الشهادة أو النوم. الموت وفاة بسحب الروح ودفن الجسد في قبر ونومه في مرقد بعد 40 يوماً. الشهادة وفاة بدون سحب الروح ومواراة لسَوءة الجسم في ضريح أو بيت أذن الله أن يُرفع ويُذكر فيه إسمه. النوم وفاة يومية بدون سحب الروح وتغطية للجسم في سرير أو مرقد. الشهيد حي ويموت عند نفخة الصور الأولى لأن كل نفس ذائقة الموت. كل الأموات يحيون ليوم الحساب عند نفخة الصور الثانية. جسد الميت يتفسخ بمرور الزمن. جسم النائم ينمو بمرور الزمن. جسم الشهيد جامد في الوقت ولا يتغير مع مرور الزمن. إختبارات الإنسان يختارها الله حسب تصرفاته السابقة المخيرة 100% من البلوغ الى الوفاة الصلاة تطهير للنفس وتقريب الى الله. اللعن طلب لتلويث نفس وإبعاد عن الله. الحلم رؤية مشوهة للنفس الغير طاهرة. رؤى الأنبياء حق لا تشوه. السنة هي سنة هجرية أي قمرية الحول هو سنة ميلادية أي شمسية السنة تعب ومشقة والعام رخاء وسعادة بعث الله نوح ع في قومه وعمره 800 سنة ولبث فيهم ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاما (950 سنة دعوة + 50 عام يصنع السفينة) وعاش بعد الطوفان 700 عام فعمره 2500 سنة القرءان مقرؤء بالرغم من إنه مقفول السورة سور حماية لا تتجزأ ويجب أن تقرأ كاملة في الصلاة الءايات طابوق في السور وبأحجام مختلفة لتعقيد نظام الحماية الفاتحة مفتاح وليس إفتتاح قرءاننا هو القرءان الخارجي العظيم بينما القرءان الداخلي الكريم المكنون لا يمسه (يصله) إلا المطهرون ع بإستخدام سورة الفاتحة وإسم الله الأعظم المكّون من 73 مقطع حيث المقطع الأخير لدى فاطمة الزهراء ع فقط وتوصله الى الإمام المهدي ع عند الرجعة القريبة إن شاء الله الله أكبر من ما لا نهاية ... الحمد لله رب العلمين
Please dear Issam Kaddoura and Adiya K. Hussein download my QuranCode.com software with unlimited number of "scales" or letter-value systems and make sure to click the small + sign) next to the Value field to open the 19 options that may modify each letter/word/verse/chapter values.
Hi Richard Lanzara your formula (2x-1)^2 + 2(n)(2x-1) is exactly the one i used in my prime numbers finding algorithm here Method SUBLINEAR SEGMENTED PRIME SIEVE
Zobia Jabeen I read your article, it is not more than the Sieve of Eratosthenes as said by Issam Kaddoura , you didn't find a formula, it is just an ALGORITHM, which requires N numbers of iterations, an improvement to this sieve has already been published in this article Method SUBLINEAR SEGMENTED PRIME SIEVE
where crossing out the same odd composite numbers has been eliminated to reduce the number of iterations ex : 45 which can be written as 9x5 and 3x15
If you would like to come up with something new, I invite you to read first what has already been discovered and the improvement made to the famous sieves.
I have this F(n) , but first, i want to publish my work then i will show it.I am looking for a suitable journal so that i may be able to publish my work. This work is really fantastic work.After this ,there is no need to more focus on odd composite , just focus will be on prime numbers.I have done all really, i am just waiting for publishing
Abstract: This paper presents one equation that generate all existing odd composite numbers and this equation can test a number whether it’s a prime or not with 50% less calculation than all previous methods. This paper's focus on Prime numbers has always remained a matter of fascination to the mathematicians, and many scientific and technical communities The idea behind this paper is to create a method for finding prime numbers, as all prime numbers are odd numbers (except for number 2) so finding a formula to generate all odd composite numbers was important. In this paper we introduced a new single equation called “AIA-Equation” that generate all odd composite numbers. Using this equation, composite numbers of any range can be calculated without any restriction. A specific observation is measured and recognize a pattern and generalize it for numbers. We have used AIA-Equation to generate large composite numbers of different range also. The Fundamental purpose of this research paper is to generate all composite numbers by simplest single equation without any limitation.