oh yes it is and it has been for a very long time. Not to go too far, let's stop with Greece and the Roman Empire. Exposing children that were not wanted - for any reason. That was a "human(?)"right of parents. Slavery as the acme of immorality. Harems and other forms of female slavery prospering on the slaves from the Indian Ocean and Subsaharan Black Africa.
And to go fast, the Crusades were deeply immoral. Then the various European wars lasting decades, and one even 100 years. Deeply immoral. Colonization of Africa, of the Americas, and Asia. Genocidal and deeeply immoral. Islamophobia today is not better since antisemitism was reduced to anti-Jewish, forgetting that the Semites and Semitic languages are NOT AT ALL ONLY Jews. Immoral racism. Racism, segregation, sexism, genderism and many other ideologies of this type are spread directly from the west to the whiole world. Check the homophobic black leaders of some African countries. They were educated by us, at times even in our most prestifious universities. The French Universities, of Montpellier, for example, dominate higher education in Senegal that is becoming homophobic at high speed.
And look at what we consider our moral duty: to support the Ukrainian government which refused to implement an international agreement that would have solved the war before the war. And then on the other side in Gaza, pretexting of the savage terrorist attack on a Jewish community in Israel, the West wants to make it his duty to let Israel have free rein in the war they are waging in the most hypocritical way possible: the whole west votes for a ceasefire but they know the USA will not abide by it: first US vetoed it. Then US abstains and in the battlefield, they refuse to contain and limit and stop Israel. The West votes for the ceasefire but they let the US impose the continuation and widening of the war: the US military attack on the Huthis is going directly against the UN resolutions.
Has EVER the West had any ethical dimension when dealing with their populations and the world? The West produced Mussolini, Salazar, Franco, Hitler, Stalin, Pinochet, apartheid, etc... Any ethical ambition from the West is nothing but the worst imaginable hypocrisy.
I think that there is still humanity and good ethical seeds are present in the Western world. With faith and strong will from the reformers no death to good morals occur.
Now we can see that twisted thoughts are spreading in the universe; so all of us should consolidate to fight these destructive thoughts and instead do all we can to reform our societies and let purity inside us appear and sweep away all deteriorating believes.
There should return to holy religions and one of the missions of the reformers is to educate their communities the great meanings of holy religions
Homosexuals are one of the causes of moral death in the Western world. They harm themselves and their societies, and are against common sense, and the heavenly religions forbid such behavior.
Thanks Mary (even if your note is not addressed to me),
But I am not the onl,y one, f ar from it. The following has just come out in France. Sorry the announcement is in French. I am sure we will be able to block the worst part of it. But praying and faith wll not be enough. We need a coalition in the world against these impetialistic attem!pts in Ukraine (the Ukarinians wanting to ban everything Russian from Donbass and Crimea, and the new idea appearing in Israel that Palestine does not need a second state, Palesiotnian of course.
La Défaite de l’Occident
Avec la collaboration de Baptiste Touverey
Hors série Connaissance, Gallimard
Parution : 11-01-2024
L'implosion de l'URSS a remis l'histoire en mouvement. Elle avait plongé la Russie dans une crise violente. Elle avait surtout créé un vide planétaire qui a aspiré l'Amérique, pourtant elle-même en crise dès 1980. Un mouvement paradoxal s'est alors déclenché : l'expansion conquérante d'un Occident qui dépérissait en son cœur. La disparition du protestantisme a mené l'Amérique, par étapes, du néo-libéralisme au nihilisme ; et la Grande-Bretagne, de la financiarisation à la perte du sens de l'humour. L'état zéro de la religion a conduit l'Union européenne au suicide mais l'Allemagne devrait ressusciter. Entre 2016 et 2022, le nihilisme occidental a fusionné avec celui de l'Ukraine, né lui de la décomposition de la sphère soviétique. Ensemble, OTAN et Ukraine sont venus buter sur une Russie stabilisée, redevenue une grande puissance, désormais conservatrice, rassurante pour ce Reste du monde qui ne veut pas suivre l'Occident dans son aventure. Les dirigeants russes…Lire la suite
384 pages, 15 ill., 140 x 205 mm Achevé d'imprimer : 01-12-2023
Thank you very much for your response. I can understand French to a degree but got a translation.
It's something that 'ordinary people' can't do much about in their lives. If only the majority of the western world was not exhibiting the nihilism that you mentioned, but it is out of the hands of us and we can only look sadly on. But live our lives as we feel is correct and pray to God that things will improve.
''We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.''