I was reading Errett C. Hobbsa 's paper, titled "Conserved small protein associates with the multidrug efflux pump AcrB and differentially affects antibiotic resistance" .

In this paper the author described the affinity of AcrB and AcrZ could effect the drug efflux pump's substrates recognition.  The author proved this idea by experiments.

In his supporting information of this paper, the author provided a alignment between AA sequences of AcrB and AcrZ.  They found the similarity  between AcrZ and AcrB in TM2 and TM3 region of AcrB. TM2 and TM3 are the binding interfaces of AcrZ and AcrB.   

So my question is that the  amino acid sequences similarity related to the affinity of proteins?    

It is plausible to the paper's logic.   I am trying to find the resources of this method, but I failed to find the further supporting information.

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