Unethical practices in business constitute a negative aspect of business processes and often generate additional costs for contractors and consumers. On the other hand, the scale of the gray market in the national economy is often correlated with the level of fiscal burdens and the quality of legal regulations regarding the commencement of business activities.

The high share of shadow economy in various branches of the national economy is also lower income from taxes and fees to the central state budget and to local budgets of local government units.

High fiscal burdens and imprecisely formulated legal regulations regarding running a business activity apart from generating a high level of gray economy in the economy may also be a source of unethical practices used in business between contractors or between producers and suppliers of products and services and consumers.

The large scale of the shadow economy in the national economy and the applied unethical practices in business is one of the key factors in the imperfections of the country's economic system.

According to the above, the current question is: Does the scale of occurrence of unethical practices in business correlate with the size of the shadow economy in national economies?

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