As we all know that the organic produce fetch higher market rates as compred to produce grown with fertilizers. Is the taste of these two products really differ and scientifically proved. Your opinion.
The organic foods have better taste, color and flavor from anecdotal standpoint but I am not aware of any research to back-up the view on they really taste differently. Nevertheless, organically produced agricultural crops are healthier and as they are cultivated using farming practices that can work to preserve and protect the environment they are more eco-friendly, too.
Dear Dr. Sarwan Kumar Dubey. I found the following article "Everything You Need to Know About Organic Foods" about your question; from the history of organic foods, to benefits, costs, etc. It is very good with lots of references.
I have not heard about reliable evaluation of organic products’ tasting. However, I tasted some “industrially” produced, mainly green house vegetables and fruits like strawberries. This latter had a taste of sawdust. Proving the contrary of antithesis, one can prove the thesis. One more thing, I ate conventionally produced green pepper, its taste was terrible.
Dear friends, anthropological research has proven that indigenous people are capable of distinguishing between organic and industrial food. We, urban people, have lost such a capacity, it appears. Various classical books by M. Harris, can be brought up, as "proofs".
Of course, this entails the debate between hard-physical proofs versus humane, indigenous, cultural proofs. They are, in my opinion, not contradictory to each other. Each one works on a different scale, and certainly a physical, chemical or biological proof is not the most valid one, and certain not a priori.
Dear All @Mahmoud Omid ,@Barbara Sawicka. @András Bozsik, @Carlos Eduardo Maldonado and @Elsiddig Elsheikh · for your kind help and suggestion. Definitly your help will be quite useful in my research. Regards
Dear friends, In Peri Urban areas lot of vegetables are being grown with raw sewage water. They may be eaten raw as salad. I found the taste of these veggies differently and unwanted. What is your comments.