Since I found out that there is a correlation between Timeliness and Semantic Accuracy (I'm studying linked data quality dimensions assessment, trying to evaluate a dimension quality -in this case Timeliness- from another dimension (Semantic Accuracy)), I presumed that regression analysis is the next step in this matter.
-the Semantic accuracy formula I used is: msemTriple = |G ∧ S| / |G|
msemTriple measures the extent to which the triples in the repository G (the original LOD dataset) and in the gold standard S have the same values.
-the Timeliness formula I used is:
Timeliness((de)) = 1-max{1-Currency/Volatility,0}
where :
Currency((de)) = (1-(lastmodificationTime(de )-lastmodificationTime(pe ))/(currentTime-startTime))*Ratio (the Ratio measures the extent to which the triples in the the LOD dataset (in my case wikidata) and in the gold standard (wikipedia) have the same values.)
Volatility((de)) = (ExpiryTime(de )-InputTime(de ))/(ExpiryTime(pe )-InputTime(pe ) )
(de is the entity document of the datum in the linked data dataset and pe is the correspondent entity document in the gold standard).
NB: I worked on Covid-19 statistics per country as a dataset sample, precisely Number of cases, recoveries and deaths
this is my spss file:
this is the output of my spss file: