I agree with Ammar Daher Bashatweh, Hausman Test important to choose fixed effect or random effect model. It basically null hypothesis (Ho) Random Effect Model is consistent. If p-value of the is greater than 0.05, we accept the null hypothesis. If p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. In this case, Fixed Effect Model is more consistent.
It is importan to select the results of which one of the two methods is appropriate. In the case of panel data is used. It is common to observe firm-specific effects in non-experimental studies. In such a case, RE and FE models are more effective than pooled OLS because they account for specific error components at the firm level. The Hausman specification test is usually used to identify the best model between RE and FE. Read the method of this paper if you need reference
The Hausman Test is used to detect endogenous regressors in a regression model. Endogenous variables have values that are determined by other variables in the system. Having endogenous regressors in a model will cause ordinary least squares estimators to fail, as one of the assumptions of OLS is that there is no correlation between a predictor variable and the error term. However, before you can decide on the best regression method, you first have to figure out if your predictor variables are endogenous. This is what the Hausman test will do.
Hausman test is used in testing for the cause- effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables in a model. The two widely used panel regression estimation techniques are fixed and random effect. If the value is significant, fixed effect should be used but if the value is not significant, the random effect should be used.
"Hausman test results with prob.value greater than 5%, it can be concluded that the fixed effect model is better than the random-effect model." As cited from Sasana, H. (2019). Fiscal Decentralization and Regional Economic Growth. Economics Development Analysis Journal, 8(1), 108-119.
Is this correct? I get confused, after reading this paper.