I always store purified RNA at -80C (ultra freezer). My question is that if the RNA quality would be ok if I store in liquid nitrogen tank for ~6 months?
Since you used to store it in the freezer , I gues liquid nitrogen is ok but in either case yyou should measure the quality of each sample before using.
I agree with Rana. Overall, since no crypreservant is added (like DMSO for cells) it will be tough to say how well the quality will be once thawed. I know -80C is usually if not always fine but since liquid N2 goes down to double that (-160C usually) the ability of salt crystals that can help in this diminishes. Hence what is best is to check the quality either with a spec or gel before using for downstream assays (RT-PCR, etc.)
it should be OK to store RNA samples in liquid nitrogen for a while. Just make sure that that you are not taking them off any time while you are taking out the other samples that might be stored in the same liquid nitrogen reservoir. Thawing will degrade the RNA.
Also, when you decide to use the RNA samples, thaw them gradually: put them to -80 first, then to -20, and finally put them on ice.
Hi all, I have a question: I would like to extract RNA from tissue, which are kept at -80 freezer, for gene expression (real time qPCR). The tissue was not placed in the RNAlater before storing in -80. I wonder if RNA will be degraded.
Kewei, I have been isolating total RNA for real time qPCR from tissues stored at -80. I always got good RNA quality (RIN). But i never let the tissue totally thaw. Take the samples out from the -80C and kept them on ice always. Weight the amount of tissue you need without let them to thaw and add on trizol immediately. And kept them on ice though out the procedure. I have been extracting RNA using trizol reagent plus RNaeasy kit from Qiagen.
You can store RNA dissolved in distilled water in liquid nitrogen for 6 months. But after thawing make sure to check the integrity of sample on a denaturing gel.