I would argue that FOX New is an example of Edmond Burke (an Originalist from England) on steroids. The late founder of FOX News, Roger Eugene Ailes, surrounded himself with tall, blue-eyed, full-lipped, blonde bombshells who submitted to his every wish (for advancement of course) so that he could be transported back to the fifties as he reached climax in his office chair (all permitted by his loyal wife). But of course, this is not new. Bill Clinton and his enabling wife, Hillary, institutionalized this behavior in the White House under a modernist agenda—as the conservative speaker of the House Newt Gingrich convinced Bill that there were too many idle Black Folks ripping off the White Tax-Paying People of America, a class who was handsomely bailed-out in 2008. To add to the Originalism of FOX News, there is the occasional ‘Jim Crow’ on display pontificating (in black face) about the virtues of the Free Markets in the way wealth trickles down to the underclass so that the hungriest can end up on FOX News collecting a 7-figures salary. Many of these black faces try to convince us that there has been more than enough change to the Constitution to deal with all the inequities and for those who complain about injustice, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, they lack initiative, suffering from a disease called laziness, a choice they made soon after they were born. This lack of initiative can be seen when one walks down Main Street in Houston Texas to observe black folk on all fours eating out of a bowl filled with McDonalds food-scraps or black folk coiled on a tram flatform with matted hair and backside exposed rolling around in circles like a serpent that has sustained vestibular damage. You would never know that the Mayor of Main Street is a modernist Black Democrat, who has been described by some as, ‘He left the Hood never looking back for he is intent in separating himself from his race but he insists on being a role model to his people on voting day.’ When a black fellow recently expressed his reason for not voting ‘there is no one in power who supports my interests’, I assured him that the Biden/Harris ticket would begin to right many of the wrongs of the past. He remained incredulous for he understands that FOX News is more the norm than the exception here in America. Some would say that after Lincoln amended the Constitution there has been little change in race relations for many Black folks still feel as though they are three-fifths white as specified in the ‘original’ Constitution of 1787.

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