Based on the environmental damages that are occurring throughout our globe at the present time, caused by natural phenomena and influenced by human activities, the question arises: is it time to study atmospheric chemistry?
Based on the environmental damages that are occurring throughout our globe at the present time, caused by natural phenomena and influenced by human activities, the question arises: is it time to study atmospheric chemistry
It is a bit unclear what you mean by "to study atmospheric chemistry" - atmospheric chemistry is indeed a well established field of scientific research in many Universities and research laboratories. Many of the subfields within atmospheric chemistry work on a better understanding of the effects of chemical reactions and transport in the atmosphere with regard to air pollution, climate change, the carbon cycle etc.
You may coin the term anthropogenic atmospheric chemistry, if you wish. As natural atmospheric chemistry is becoming complex by the influence of human activities which you may separate and form a branch of atmospheric chemistry. However, we should agree that atmospheric chemistry is an established field and is now getting place in text books after acceptance of its research output round the globe. So far as need of study is concerned, several questions are still unanswered in this field and hence its need cannot be ignored.
Atomspheric chemistry is a broad aspect in science which study has been into existence, although, practically the effect of the study has not helped in solving the recent global problems like in the case of climate change. I will like to recommend that practical measures should be put in place in course of study to help minimize the effect of anthropogenic activities