We all know that, the Super Chandrasekhar limit ∼2.6M⊙. Thus my question is, is it correct if the mass of an Anisotropic magnetized white dwarf is greater than the Super Chandrasekhar limit? ( By theoretical calculation )
Rajasmita Sahoo : If you are working on the equation of state and stellar structures; then you must know that it is not only the magnetized white dwarf which is 2.6M⊙, there are many known stars, which have masses beyond Chandrasekhar limit, one named Westerhout 49-2 is 250M⊙! Please see the list of known stars with masses beyond Chandrasekhar limit, at the following link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_massive_stars
It means that the Chandrasekhar limit is not valid, which in turn means that if you are using equations of state based on a gravitational potential of Newton or Einstein's GR, then these potentials are also invalid. If you read (at least) the following three articles you would know why!
"KEPLER -NEWTON -LEIBNIZ -HEGEL Portentous and Conflicting Legacies in Theoretical Physics, Cosmology and in Ruling Ideas". Article KEPLER -NEWTON -LEIBNIZ -HEGEL Portentous and Conflicting Le...
"The Mystery of the Lorentz Transform: A Reconstruction and Its Implications for Einstein's Theories of Relativity and cosmology". INSPIRE>HEP: https://inspirehep.net/literature/2158754
"Quō Vādis Theoretical Physics and Cosmology? From Newton's Metaphysics to Einstein's Theology!: Article Quō Vādis Theoretical Physics and Cosmology? From Newton's M...
Sir, my question is for compact stars like neutron stars or black holes. The magnetized white dwarf is a compact star, usually whose mass comes under the Super Chandrasekhar limit ∼ 2.6M⊙. Westerhout 49-2 is not a compact star.
Rajasmita Sahoo : As I understand it, compact stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars (there can be no "black hole" according to Einstein) etc. have a history of development and have origin in some kind of stars. These are the end results in the life of stars depending on their mass. Chandrasekhar limit ∼ 2.6M⊙ is supposed to determine the fate of star depending on its mass alone. Any star with mass beyond this limit is supposed to end up in a supernova explosion forming compact or neutron stars etc. The larger the mass of the initial star (beyond that limit) the faster is the end of the life. I responded to your question just to show that the much venerated Chandrasekhar limit is generally not valid, because there are many stars much above that limit and many of them live much longer the Chandrasekhar limit would permit. That was all!
Also, Chandrasekhar limit and many other aspects of astrophysics are based on Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity. But, as the references cited above would show; Newton's theory is defective and Einstein's GR have no validity in objective reality or in plain words, is false. So any astrophysical calculations based on these theories, including Chandrasekhar limit are bound to be faulty.
I just wanted to draw your attention to these new (some based on my own works) developments. Sorry, if I annoyed you. It was not my intention at all!