Pandraviruses (Pandoravirus salinus and Pandoravirus dulcis) have micrometer-sized ovoid particles containing DNA genomes of at least 2.5 and 1.9 megabases, respectively. In other words, they are transferable Mb size of DNA.
Science 19 July 2013: Vol. 341 no. 6143 pp. 281-286 DOI: 10.1126/science.1239181 : Pandoraviruses: Amoeba Viruses with Genomes Up to 2.5 Mb Reaching That of Parasitic Eukaryotes)
On the other hand, I am interested in two unique technologies, which are Human Artificial Chromosome (HAC) vector* and Microcell-mediated Chromosome Transfer (MMCT) technique for chromosome transferring. Although the HAC vector can carry Mb-size of DNA, the transferring efficiency of MMCT is very low (1x 10e-4~ 1x10e-6). Becuse of that, I have to improve the MMCT efficiency more and more.
Unfortunately, the HAC vector can't transfer by Lipofection or any conditional gene transfer technique.
*The size of HAC vector about 5Mbp and 0.1 micrometer.
Gene Ther. 2011 Apr;18(4):384-93. doi: 10.1038/gt.2010.147. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
Refined human artificial chromosome vectors for gene therapy and animal transgenesis.)
Is it possible to perform chromosome transfer using pandraviruses as a gene delivery vector?
For achievement, there are some hard hurdles, which are listed up below as many as I could think of.
1. How to infect pandraviruses to host cells?
- isolation of membrane protein for infection and receptor against the pandraviruses.
2. Although the host cell of pandraviruses is amoeba, how can I retarget their infection directivity towards human cells?
- VSV-G protein can give the infection directivety to the pandraviruses, like lenti virus vector.
3. How can I package a HAC vector in the virus capsid?
- isolation of packaging signal of the virus.
4. How can I make a large scale product of the virus vector?
- optimization as pseudo virus using helper cell like lenti virus vector.
I want to discuss this idea.