What is for you a tutorial? What is for you a scientific paper? Generally, editors and reviewers decide on scientific papers according to the rules of the journal and the general scientific principles.
In my opinion, it not good to present a tutorial in any conference as a conference is to present a contribution obtained by doing research work and need to have some novelty.
An excerpt from ASME Journal Paper Types:"Tutorial Articles undergo full peer review. A tutorial paper provides novel and original insight and reflection on the use of one or several methods of modeling, design, analysis, or synthesis in an accessible format that can be used for guided or self-instruction. The format for a tutorial paper is the same as a research paper. Recommended length: 9000 words."
I also do not to recommend to present Turorial as a paper in conference or Journal., but if you do some research work with it you can use some parts or figures from it to explain the use in your research and sample case.