Does someone know if I can perform for 1 uV with 4 ordinal categories and >2 interval scaled aVs a repeated measure (M)ANOVA? And if so, could you please recommend me literature/papers to learn how to perform it? Thanks a lot!
Yes; this design is sometimes called a doubly multivariate analysis or repeated measures manova (especially among users of SPSS).
If you use SPSS. from the main menu bar, select:
Analyze / General Linear Model / Repeated measures...
The dialog box that pops up will ask for the number of repeated measurement points (and for a name for that factor). At the bottom of the dialog box, enter a name for each dependent variable you have (under "Measure Name".)
You''ll be prompted in the next dialog box to identify which dataset/worksheet variable corresponds to a specific measure on a certain occasion. When completed, the default analysis should have all of the usual expected tests.
As well, if you search this previous thread, there is a suggested chapter in Tabachnick & Fidell's text that will give you some background:
On the YouTube site, a search for "repeated measures manova" will turn up several pertinent videos.
Finally, here's a link that gives a bit more explanation for conducting the analysis in SPSS: