Using only colony morphology is impossible. Light microscopy could help identifying some isolates at higher taxonomic levels, but you will still need to at least sequence the ITS region. For some genera you need to sequence more regions.
Each plate contains a different cultural morphology from the others in color, texture and colonization. You need to make a single spore culture from each and then you have to do the microscopic examinations so as to dectect conidia of any fungus alone. For each single fungi the cultural and morphological features are desribed before and you have to rematch them with yours.
Good luck
You can share your microscopic eaminations with us for more discussion
The photos are clear but you need to increase the magnification power and look for more clear micro and macroconidia. The first, second and third mycelial growth and conidia looks like Alternaria spp. The fourth one is Aspergillus spp and the fifth as if it was Fusarium but you need more confimation