Hi everyone,

has anybody worked with BRP-plasmids (from MoBiTec)? They carry a gene encoding BR protein (Bacteriocin Release Protein) enabling the secretion of a recombinant protein of interest to the culture medium. I would like to conduct a simultaneous expression of a gene of interest (carried by pET3a plasmid), chaperones encoding genes (pG-KJE8 plasmid) and BRP encoding gene (pSW1 plasmid) in E. coli  strain BL21 (DE3). I found in manufacturer's manual that K12 strains are recommended for BRP expression. The question is wheather will this pSW1 plasmid work with BL21 strain derivatives? Fortunately, each plasmid mentioned above has different antibiotic resistance and BRP expression is induced by mytomycin C. Perhaps, has any of you experience in this field? I would be grateful for your help. 

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