It is possible to detect a HPV infection from a pap smear if the right conservation fluid is used. As far as I know a HSV 1 and 2 infection can be detected from a blister, not form a pap smear.
You can detect cytopathic like chromatin margination, syncytia and nuclear inclusion bodies due to HSV-1 and 2, for instance. It can be very useful on recurrent herpes labialis for lesions with an unusual presentation, to guide for the need of a further incisional biopsy.
Yes, but you would not be able to distinguish between types 1 and 2 on cytopathic effects, only at the molecular level, even though traditionally HSV-1 would be more frequently found above the waist, and we know this does not happen anymore. You can find genital HSV-1 and labial HSV-2 due to sexual behavioural aspects.
Your comments is correct. But the question is; can i detect HSV DNA or isolate it from pap smear samples(as genital infection cause to HSV shedding in vagina ) ?